Everything you never wanted to know about our family and various other subjects.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Last of the Summer

(Sorry, these pictures are pretty old.
Like two months ago old.)
They may be old but they're still cute!

Sister selfie.

Marianna showing off new uses for sugar cones.

Some beautiful sky pics

One last picnic of the summer.

Frozen pizza and iced tea

Dan and I road tripped it to Northern MN for a weekend
with friends.

View from the deck of the cabin we stayed at.

The lake we were on is from the old "Land of Sky Blue Water"
beer commercial.
Then back to the ranch and cooking with kids.

And everyday chores.

A break while stacking wood one day.
And one last beautiful sky pic.
Ah, summer, I miss you already!

1 comment:

  1. Loved all the pictures (even if they are old) The kids, the sky ones....that last one, wow!!
