Everything you never wanted to know about our family and various other subjects.

Friday, January 30, 2015

January Days

Clare is nearly finished with her CNA course.

Thanks for the DumDum's, Grandpa Jerry!

Francis desperately wants to be like his Daddy.

A little study of the bones for Anatomy class.

A sparkling clean dustpan...who washes these?
I DO... after I found Francis LICKING it.
That's about enough to make a mom lose her lunch.

He just seems so sweet and innocent in pictures.
The morning bribe...chocolate chips in his pink teacup.
Everybody get outside...the temp is above zero.

Beautiful, belated Christmas gift from a friend.
First I caught him trying to drink the water from the vase,
then he tried to eat the rose.

The January thaw saw some pretty anxious kiddos
riding bikes...

even though it requires boots and mittens...

and hats.

The only smart one of the bunch!

Shh!  Francis is getting a new mower for his birthday.
These have seen better days!

Today marked the end of an era at our house.
This broken wheel on the crib made it just a little easier to
move Francis into the bed with his brothers.
It's been in steady use for the past 23 years.
As Timothy says, "That's a good, long run."


  1. OH, was it hard to put down the crib? It was for me. Ours, the bottom started falling straight through. Simeon even slept through that happening twice. Before we finally took it down.

    We did that anatomy last year, Nicholas and Katherine did. I really liked it.

    Fun catching up!
    Love the stone. Sept 9th is my birthday. It's even more special now.
    What a special gift to treasure forever.

    1. The headstone was in our yard for about a month. Joe and Tim finally took it to the cemetery last weekend. Now I'll always remember your birthday!
      I have mixed feelings about the crib. It is so nice to have a little extra space in the boys' bedroom.
