We had a light snowfall this week...
so the kids went out to stack wood.
Last picture of our dining room rug...
and first picture of its replacement.

Dan came home with these pans to make taco
bowls out of tortillas...
I made the taco fixings...
and everyone had fun filling their own bowl.
(Except Dan and I, we went out to eat
after all the littles were fed!)
Francis is in to dollies right now...
he loves to lay next to them and have us
wrap them in blankets and
when he's tired of them, then I have to carry
them around for him.
Busy making doll clothes.
Remember when I did this for Clare?
She is testing for her CNA on Wednesday. Prayers are
greatly appreciated. (Where has the time gone?)
Fun in the tub...
who needs water?
Sunday morning Monopoly...
and drawing with Dad.
Yep, they get their art skills from his side of the fam.
One sad looking Rice Bowl...
and Lent hasn't even started.
Fran the Ripper at his best!
Our prayers are with you both.
Kim and the Fam