Everything you never wanted to know about our family and various other subjects.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I promise this is the last Christmas post

We took our tree down on Sunday.  This was the first year I was sad to see it go (probably the first year we didn't have it fall over once or twice, either!)  Thought I'd finally get a picture of Marianna's finished stocking and then took Grandma's advice and put all ten of them together for on final shot.

There it is.  The evidence of 21 years of cross stitching toil.  Wow!  Now, just like last year, I have one more to make.  I even purchased the kit before Christmas, but it can wait because I have been on a knitting binge most recently.

1 comment:

  1. Kim those are beautiful!! Now, did you cross stitch the names only or the whole stocking?

    Very pretty....one of my favorite things is putting up our stockings, Tom's mom made them all, cross stitching the names on all of them.
